Monday, October 21, 2013

Any Novel Essay Examination 6 out of 11 paragraphs

3. Select what you consider to be the most important quotation in the novel and prove your opinion by relating it to the novel as a whole.

"The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive." This is true because ultimately Pudge and the Colonel must realize that they forgive Alaska for leaving them, and that she forgives them for letting her go. Throughout the entire book, the question being asked is how do you escape the labyrinth, and what is the labyrinth? The labyrinth is suffering, and the only way to escape the labyrinth is to forgive. People are going to duffer for as long as they live, it is part of living. The only way to end this suffering is to forgive. Forgive those that have wronged you, and forgive yourself. If you can do that, then you can life the burden off of your chest, and be at peace with yourself.

5. Select whom you consider to be the most important character in the novel and prove your opinion by relating him/her to the novel as a whole.

The most important character in the novel, Looking For Alaska, is Alaska Young. The lives of the other characters revolves around her. Primarily in the last half of the book, the after section, Pudge and the Colonel both become consumed with discovering the reason behind her tragic demise. The entire story focuses on Alaska at every point in the story, Pudge acts like he is a love sick puppy dog because he falls in love with the poor girl, and he doesn't really even know her. The overall meaning of the book is what is the point of life, and how do you get out of the labyrinth. Alaska asks herself this as well as other characters. She seeks to know the way to escape life, and she develops the meaning of the work as a whole.

8. Relate some aspect, character, event, chapter, quotation, in the novel to something of importance in your own life.

Pudge's final paper that he turns into Mr. Hyde relate,s in multiple aspects, to my own life. I find that at many times in my life, I have asked myself how to escape the labyrinth. In reality I learned that you cannot escape it, but you can embrace it. In his final paper, Pudge talks about how we as people are greater than the sum of our parts. It has taken me a long time to learn this lesson, however simple it may seem. My life has not always been easy, and you would think after multiple suicide attempts, I would understand that there is a reason that I am to be on this Earth, yet I still wanted to escape. It was not long after the death of my dad that I realized that I was tired of being angry and bitter. It is exhausting, and I learned that you have to forgive. So, just as Pudge forgives Alaska, and she forgives him, I forgive my dad. I forgive him for all the wrongs he committed towards me, and I know that he forgives me for not being there when I should have. I knew that he was dying, but I had been bitter for all those years, and I let my pride get in the way of seeing my dad before he died. It would have been the first and only time I would have saw him, yet I refused to go. Looking back now I wish that I would have went, and so I relate to Alaska in the aspect of blaming myself for my dads death, just as she blamed herself for the death of her mother. I know now that it is not my fault, but I still struggle with the fact daily. Ultimately, I came to forgive him, and I can only hope that he forgave me. It was through his death, that I learned that I am amazing. I realized that just as Pudge says teenagers are indestructible. We have to be. Look at all the bullshit we go through. Adults can't do it. They did not have to go through half of the crap that we go through. It is these experiences, that make us great. This is how I relate this final paper to my life.

13. Relate some aspect, character, event, chapter, or quotation in the novel to another discipline-psychology, sociology, philosophy, art, etc.

Alaska is a young adolescent girl, who has straight  up been to hell and back. Ever since the loss of her mother she has struggled. She done exactly what Pudge said, she collapsed within herself. She did not psychologically develop like psychologists would say a normal child would. Also, Alaska is struggling with herself, and needs psychological help. She could be viewed as depressed in a since, although she does not show signs of depression at all times.

14. Relate some aspect, character, event, chapter, or quotation, in the novel to another novel you have read.

Pudge relates in many aspects to Charlie from, The Perks of Being A Wallflower. Charlie, just like Pudge was seeking for A Great Perhaps. Sam and Charlie lead him to his great perhaps, just as Alaska leads Pudge to his. Both characters behave alike, until they meet influential people. They are both shy,yet incredibly smart. Neither of them had a girlfriend before, yet in the book they get their first girlfriend. Ultimately that just want to fit in, and be loved. Both of the characters behave similarly, and they behave alike too.

15. Relate some aspect, character, event, chapter, or quotation in the novel to a movie you have seen.

This book relates to the movie A Walk To Remember. Suffering and forgiveness plays a key role in both of these. Pudge, the Colonel, and Alaska must all learn to forgive just as Landon must learn to forgive. Both Landon and Alaska are both angry and have been through a great deal of suffering. Just as Landon must learn to forgive the people that he been angry at, Pudge and the Colonel must also forgive Alaska. The aspects of suffering and forgiveness are both noticeable in both stories.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lyrical analysis of two songs from the mixtape

1. Daydream By: Smashing Pumpkins
Charlie is able to connect with this song because at times he feels that he himself is going crazy. The song relates to how he feels in life. The lyrics describe how he feels about his life, so when he hears the song he relates to it because that is how he feels regarding his life. The reader gets a better idea of who Charlie is because they begin to understand how he feels about himself.

2. Dusk By: Genesis
Charlie connects with this song because although bad things have happened to him, he has found new reasons to keep living. He has new friends that truly care about him, and so now his willpower is restored. The reader understands that Charlie was in a bad place, and then with a lot of help, somebody or a group of people (Sam and Patrick), were able to help him work through it. So, the reader realizes that these new relationships are important to Charlie.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Meaning of The Perks of Being A Wallflower

The overall meaning of The Perks of Being A Wallflower, is that relationships make us into who we are. The movie does a phenomenal job of emphasizing the meaning.

Response to Letter

October 31, 1991

Dear Charlie,
     It's okay Charlie. You can write to me as you please. I promise you that I don't mind. I am so proud of you, I know that participating is not easy, however, I also know that you can do it. Charlie, did you know that when I read, I also do the same thing as you. I become so caught up in the story, and I begin to believe that I am the characters in the book. It is like I can see everything going on inside my head. So, it is okay for you to think that because you aren't the only person who does that. Charlie don't complicate your letters. I want you to know that you can write to me about anything, but you don't have to figure out anything. Your letters can be wrote just to be an outlet for you. In those letters you can tell me whatever you feel, and you do not have to worry about learning something in every single one of them.
     I have read the book Peter Pan, and that is about the same thing that I got out of it too. Yet, as I got older the book began to mean a little more to me, and I realized the meaning was so much deeper than I ever realized, but that is just me. Maybe the same thing will happen for you, but if not that is okay, too. Perhaps you are write, maybe Bill is giving you peculiar books, but at least they are good books.
     I am glad to hear that you are being a social butterfly. I think that it is very important, and I do not blame you for saying you probably won't come back for a homecoming football game. They are nice, but I won't return for them either. I am glad to hear that you were honest with yourself Charlie. It is important to be honest with ourselves because sometimes we are the only people we have in the world. People will walk in and out of your life, but it is important that you know that you will always be in your life. Just remember who you are, and what you stand for. ALWAYS be honest with yourself because trying to run away from your problems because that will never help Charlie. Sooner or later you will have to face that problem, but by then the problem is worse, and you still have to deal with it. Remember that Charlie.
     Charlie I believe that you have a wonderful sense of humor. I am so glad that you met Sam and Patrick. I wish I knew them because they sound like wonderful people.
     Have you ever told your parents about the party that happened at your house, I mean what you saw.Charlie, do you know what rape is? It is forcing yourself on somebody. That girl was raped Charlie. If she said no, and that boy forced himself on her, then he raped her. Charlie, I hope you are alright. It wasn't right of your sister to call you a pervert. I despise that word.
     You need a way for letting out your anger Charlie. I feel like the responsible thing to tell you, is that you should take up a hobby.I do not take you as a sports type of person, but maybe you could find something that you enjoy. Yet, I also am so proud of you for slashing his tires. He is a complete and total scumbag. Yet, Charlie you should still be very careful as to not be too violent.
     Charlie, perhaps you should not go to these parties with Sam and Patrick. They are good people do not get me wrong, however, drugs are not good Charlie. They are bad for you, and it is dangerous to mess with them. You can get hooked on them Charlie.
     I think that you did the right thing by leaving Patrick and Brad to talk. They have some things they need to work out. Since Patrick asked you to keep things secret, I think you should respect that, and not tell anybody. I won't say anything Charlie I promise.
     Regardless of the drugs, your new friends sound spectacular. That is the perfect name for you, wallflower. I am glad that the dance went well. Do you love Sam Charlie? She sounds exceptional.

Your Friend

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Song for a person

If I was to give one song to a person, I honestly don't know that I could do it. I couldn't pick just one person, so I narrowed it down to two. The two people I picked where my little brother and my biological father.

For my little brother I was unable to decide on one song, so I picked my two favorites. 

The first song is My Wish by Rascal Flatts. I picked this song because I love my little brother more than anybody in this world. He has been and always will be my best friend. He's a special needs child, but he is the sweetest kid, and I want him to have the world. I have so many wishes for him because he deserves the world. 

The second song I picked for him was You've Got A Friend In Me by Randy Newman. The reason I picked this song was because my little brother comes home nine days out of ten crying because he has had a bad day. I just want him to know that no matter what happens in life I will ALWAYS be his friend. 

The other person I would give a song to was my biological dad. He was never a part of my life, and for the biggest majority of my life I was very angry with him. I had a lot of resentment and bitterness towards him. So I did have a hard time choosing who to give a song to. This is wh I picked both people. I was able to decide on one song to give my biological father.

If I was to give him a song I would share with him I'm Not Who I Was by Brandon Heath. After his passing, I went through some serious changes. Personal changes mainly, but it was like a reality check for me in a way. I just changed as far as my values went. I was tired of being bitter. My real dad never knew me, but it was partially because of him that I am who I am today. This song describes how I feel towards him. I wish he could see me now. I wish he could know that I forgive him. When he was dying he tried to call me, but I was stubborn. I was hurt with him, and I let my feelings misguide my decisions. I just would give anything for him
 to know that I forgive him.