Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How To Read Literature Like A Professor: Chapters 16-19

Chapter 16: It's All About Sex
Chapter 17: ...Except Sex

In the movie American Beauty Lester's obsession with Angela, a teenager. Lester is an adult male who is fascinated by Angela, and could care less about his wife Carolyn. Every time that Angela is over he stares at her, as if some force is holding his eyes on her. He is obsessed. He wishes to have sexual relations with her, yet he knows that he cannot bluntly state this because she is a minor and he could go to jail. Yet, Angela and Jane, Lester's daughter, argue because Jane does not want Angela to have sex with her father. This desperate desire for sexual relations with Angela allows the reader to develop ideas and feelings about Lester. The audience becomes overwhelmed with hatred because he is a despicable pervert.

Chapter 18: If She Comes Up, It's Baptism

In the novel Farenheit 451, Guy Montag is an average citizen who does not question the authority of those over him. He follows the laws, and lives a simple life. One day he walks home with a girl by the name of Clarisse. The journey home is not a sunny one though, it is pouring the rain the entire way to their home. The rain acts as a baptism. Cleansing and changing the entire way that Montag looks at the world. Clarrisse asks him several though pondering questions, and then leaves him to walk home in the rain by himself. Her final question that she leaves him with causes him to realize that his whole life is not what he thought it to be. Thus causing him to make drastic changes in his life. He began breaking laws, and he even quit his job at the fire department. He reads books, and wants to instill in future generations the importance of books, even if that means he has to do it in secret.

Chapter 19: Geography Matters...

The geography in the novel Pride and Prejudice would cause Foster to classify it under geography. The story takes place between 1796 and 1813. The story takes place in England, and the geography of the land depicts several things about the story. The geography sets the foundation for the entire story. The time period in which the story takes place and the location of the action develops the plot of the novel. It is culturally important. The geography is also a symbol of simplicity of Elizabeth Bennett's appearance, yet her natural beauty. She is simply stunning just like the nature in Europe. The geography is also a symbol of the struggle for the love and relationships in England. Although some of the towns are not far away others are. This is symbollic of the obstacles that the loves must overcome to be together.

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