Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How To Read Literature Like A Professor: Chapters 25-27

Chapter 25: Don't Read With Your Eyes

In the Black Cat, by Edgar Allen Poe, the author, William Shakespeare, tells the story about a man who originally loves animals, and then the man kills his wife and attempts to kill his cat. The man drinks alcohol a lot. Modern society would assume that the reason the man is so crazy is because of the alcohol. Yet, somebody who read the story before this century would assume that the reason he behaved this way was because he lost a part of his soul. He basically turned evil, and they would feel that he could not do anything about it. Also, there would be conflicting views about abusing the wife. Also, a person from before this century would look at the gallows as terrifying, yet a person from today would not be terrified by them.

Chapter 26: Is He Serious? And Other Ironies?

In the book Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag is a fireman with the responsibility of burning books. It is ironic because he ends up actually trying to save books in the end of the story. Throughout the course of the book, he changes his entire views. The title of the book is even ironic because paper takes to flame at 451 degrees.

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