Saturday, March 15, 2014

Literary Response Journal Number 3 The Kite Runner Page 165 March 17 2014

During the next several pages of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, I have come to have an extreme hatred for Amir. His father is sick and dying, and what does he do, he asks his father to go see the General and ask for his daughters hand in marriage. I guess I skipped a little far though. I could talk about how Amir and his father fled Afghanistan after the Russians took over. They hid out on a bus with a bunch of other Afghans. Then Amir's father almost got himself killed by standing up and protecting an Afghan woman. After the bus reached it's destination, they came in contact with a another set of Afghans who were fleeing the country. Amir saw Kamal, Assef's friend. After hiding in the gas tank of a gas truck when they got out of the truck Kamal died. I think it served him right because he helped Assef rape Hassan. Kamal's father was so devastated that he shot himself. Crazy right. I think so too. If he only knew what a pig his son was. I guess he would still love him though. Which I think is crazy, but I don't have kids, so I suppose I can't fully understand. Anyway after fleeing the country, Amir and his father came to America. When they got to America, Amir's father started working at a gas station. Then Amir graduated high school at the age of like 20. Then he enrolled in Junior College classes. They sold the Buick. They bought a Volkswagen van. The two started to participate in flea markets. The night of Amir's graduation, his father took them to a bar, and bought drink for everybody there that night. He started a party. That was the night that Amir was given a grand torino by his father for a graduation present. When the two got home, his father made a remark about Hassan being with them, which totally killed Amir. Amir is a completely selfish bastard by the way. I'm going back to his father dying, and him wanting his father to secure his marriage. It kills me. He is such an ass. I can relate to Amir's struggle with losing his father. He is struggling with it, and it is causing him pain. He is hurting and trying to deal with it the best he can. I can relate to that because I have felt the same way before.

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