Monday, May 5, 2014

A Thousand Splendid Suns LRB #3

In part three of Khaled Hosseini's "A Thousand Splendid Suns" Mariam and Rasheed nurse Laila back to health. He pays a guy to lie to her about Tariq being dead. So she marries him. She's pregnant with Tariq's baby. But she doesn't tell Rasheed that. Well she has a baby girl which frankly kills Rasheed. He is upset because he wants a baby boy. Then he starts to be hateful again because he thinks Laila is awful because she had a baby girl. So Laila and Mariam are finally speaking and it is all because Laila refuses to let Rasheed beat Mariam. Then Laila tells Mariam that she plans on taking the baby and running away. She begs Mariam to go with her. Mariam agrees and the two of them leave one day. That was a fail. They get busted and get sent back to Rasheed. He beats the tar out of Mariam. Then he locks Laila and Aziza, the baby, into the bedroom with no food or water. They nearly die. They are scared to death now. Eventually she has a baby boy. She is forced to put Aziza in an orphanage, and she finds out that Tariq is not dead. Well then Rasheed becomes outraged because Zalmai, who is the baby boy, tells about Tariq coming to see Laila. He is about to kill Laila, so Mariam kills him. Then Laila takes her children and runs away. Yes she goes and gets Aziza, who is Tariq'a baby. They leave and go to Pakistan. Mariam refused to go with them. Which is heartbreaking. She is executed. She died for the family that she was never able to have. Laila became the daughter she never had. That's how part three ends.

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