Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Character Analysis: Literary Terms

Indirect Characterization: This is when the author describes a character by using context clues, and without directly stating physical or emotional appearances.

Direct Characterization: This is when the author plainly states how a character looks or thinks. They may go into great detail about a characters physical appearance or personality directly.

Round Characters: Round characters are very detailed, and the readers is often given the most information about them.

Flat Characters: Flat characters are generally very dull because they stay the same throughout the entire story. They are what they are, and that’s all there is to it.

Stock Characters: Stock characters are stereotypical characters. They are your average stereotype.

Static Characters: Static characters are like the heart rate line on machines in the hospital. Once the line goes flat a person is dead. Static characters are like they line, they are flat. There is nothing to them.

Dynamic Characters: Dynamic characters are diverse. They can be very spontaneous, and the reader never really knows what they are going to do next. 

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