Monday, September 23, 2013

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Discussion Question:
To be a wallflower means that you can blend in and adapt to any situation. Yet, you are also your own person, and you are unique in your own way.

1.       The protagonist in the story is Charlie because everything revolves around him. The letters are sent by him, and they are about him, so he is the protagonist.  He is a quiet kid, and he is awkward, and very vulnerable. He tries to blend in, so that he won’t be noticed. Until he meets Sam and Patrick, he doesn’t hang out with anybody. They help to bring him out of his shell.

2.       Charlie is a round character because as the reader reads about him, they come to know of his life. Charlie’s family are all flat characters. Sam and Patrick are both round characters.

3.       Charlie has good parents who do try to take care of him. Yet, they still have their flaws. Charlie’s father does not show affection, except for on rare occasions.  His mother attempts to show love, yet she still lacks concern for her son. It almost as if the parents don’t take interest in their son’s life.

Point Of View:
                The point of view for this story is third person limited because although the story primarily revolves around Charlie, the story does not directly use I, me, or other possessive words. It revolves around all of the characters, but it does not tell all of their stories. It is telling Charlie’s story, but at the same time we do not know every detail of every characters life. By using this method the author is able to keep the readers interest. It is effective in conveying details about the characters without giving away too much information.

                There is a conflict between Charlie and society. He struggles to fit in. There is also a conflict between Charlie and himself. He fights with himself to not goes into the empty space, and to not think about Sam in more than just a friend way. There is also a conflict between society and the beliefs of children. Patrick is gay and wants to be with Brad, yet they cannot be together because of Brad’s dad.
The exposition draws the reader, and attracts their interests, so that the reader will want to keep reading.

How to Read Literature Like A Professor:
                There are communion scenes in this story. Also, the weather chapter is used in this story. Violence is used because Charlie fought with another boy. Symbolism is used.  It’s all about sex. Except Sex.  Don’t Read with Your Eyes.

                Everybody goes through problems, and some peoples may be worse then others. Yet, life is not going to be easy for anybody, and we can’t let our struggles hold us back from living our life.

                This means that if we think we deserve trash, then we will stay with somebody who treats us like trash. Yet, if we think we deserve monetary objects, then we will seek somebody to give us the things we seek. We as people seek a companion who will gives us the things out heart desires.

                This quote means exactly what it says. The person is happy, yet at the same time, they are sad. Their life still lacks something important, and while they have things that make them happy, they lack something to really complete them. This could be a person or an emotion.  Some things in their life make them happy, yet overall their life is dismal. 

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