Monday, September 30, 2013

Perks of Being A Wallflower

Part one:

The ending for the story is appropriate given the plot of the book. Charlie obviously struggles both internally and externally with multiple conflicts. He is mentally ill, and so for the book to end, as if nothing bad ever happened to the poor kid, then the ending would have been inappropriate. The reader knows that he is struggling through life, and can infer that something had happened to him in his life. So, when the reader learns that he was sexually abused, the reader can infer that the abuse is what has caused him to be mentally ill. The ending of the boo, although it is sad, is appropriate.

Part two:

“I would die for you. But I won't live for you.” 
The overall meaning of the story is that relationships cause us to develop into who we are. This quote relates to the meaning of the story because people may love each other enough to risk their own life for them, yet they must love the person enough to let them live their own life. Everybody ,use participate in life, and then share their life with the people around them that they love.

“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.” 
This quote relates to the meaning of the story because the relationships in Charlie's life have developed him into who he is, and he has had to learn how to deal with change and loss. It is not an easy task, but he has had to learn how to live his life, after the change in his relationship with some people. Charlie can't stop his life because he lost a lived one, or a friend went away to college, therefore he learns to live without these people with him all of the time. 

“There's nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.” 
This quotes relates to the meaning because Charlie was a quiet kid, until he met Patrick and Sam. They are crucial to the development of Charlie. It is kind of like they are his foundation; they keep him stable and give him something to stand on. With their help he blossoms into this new child. His personality flourishes when he becomes friends with them. He has these great times when he is with them, and he just develops into this entirely different character than who he was in the beginning if the story.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely loved your quotes and overall meaning. You absolutely nailed it!!!!!!
