Monday, November 25, 2013

How To Read Literature Like A Professor: Chapters 6-9

Chapter 6: When In Doubt, It's From Shakespeare

The world renowned movie Titanic reflects upon the classic love story Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Each story revolves around a forbidden love story and the sacrifices the lovers must endure to be with one another, and it is eventually their love that brings them to their demise. This is a revolving theme in both stories. The largest difference in the stories is that in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet kills herself because she cannot bear to live without her beloved Romeo, she does not realize that her lover is still alive. Yet, the deed is done, and she has taken her life, so when Romeo awakens to her dead body, he in return takes his life. The two could not bear to live without the other. In The Titanic, the two lovers escaped the ship, only for the male lover, Jack, to be frozen to death by the ocean. Rose, the female lover, escaped, and eventually found love again, only to die out at sea, when she was back at the site of where the Titanic went down. Although both sets of lovers died, there was a plot twist at the end of The Titanic. Yet, the theme of forbidden love is consistent with Romeo and Juliet. 

Chapter 7: ...Or The Bible

In the movie series, The Chronicles of Narnia, the lion known as Asland, is a christ-like figure because he is a protector of the creatures in Narnia. He comes when the characters need his help, and he delivers them from times of peril, much like Jesus does for people.

The Lion King is a reference to the story of Moses in the Bible. Simba acts as Moses because he was a prince and then was accused of killing his father. Just as Moses killed a slave owner. Both characters flee to an new land, and grow older and more mature. Eventually, they both return to heir homeland, so that they can free their people. Moses frees his his people from the Pharaoh, and Simba frees his people from Scar.

The Lion King also serves as a reference to the story of the Good Samaritan because after Simba fled his home, he was alone, and would have died had it not been for Timon and Pumba. They took him in, and helped to nurture =him back to health.

Chapter 8: Hanseldee and Greteldum

The Notebook, by Nicholas Sparks, is a reference to the fairy tale of Cinderella. In The Notebook, Noah and Allie are lovers, and Allie is a high class girl whose family has money, and expects her to marry a wealthy man, and to receive and education. Noah is a hardworking boy whose family has never had much, and he falls in love with Allie. In Cinderella, the Prince falls in love with Cinderella, and she is no more than a common girl who works around her house. Just as Noah is seen as unfit to court Allie, and Cinderella is seen as unfit to marry the Prince. Yet, true love also comes out on top in the end. The Prince sends a man out with the lost glass slipper, and he comes to Cindrellas house. The glass slipper gets broken, oh no. What will they ever do? Cinderella will never get to marry the Prince now, but wait! She has the other glass slipper. The day is saved. She will get to marry the love of her life now. Well, Allie and Noah fall in love. Allie has to go away at the end of the summer. Noah promises to write her everyday. After waiting for several years and never receiving a letter, Allie finally meets a man her parents approve of. Everything is happy go lucky, until one day Allie reads about Noah in the paper. So, she goes to see him. Obviously they both love each other still. They spend a few wonderful days together, and then Allie's mom comes to see her. She doesn't approve. Just as nobody approved of Cinderella. Well now Allie finds out that her mother hid the letters that Noah had sent her. Then, she finally gets to read all the letters she longed for. So now Allie has to face the decision to stay with her fiance or to go back to Noah, the love of her life. So, she does. All is happy go lucky, and it parallels to the story line of Cinderella, true love concurs all.

Chapter 9: It' Greek to Me

Happy, loved, strong
She lived and breathed without a care in the world
Then the day came when she realized she was wrong
Where had the love gone
She was alone
Empty and broken
She had to rebuild her life
She found happiness again
Then followed love
Finally she felt strong
But at what a cost
There were pieces of her that she lost
And now she wonders if she will ever find them
So she enters her quest
To find who she is destined to be

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How To Read Literature Like A Professor: Chapters 1-5

Chapter 1:

1. A Quester
2. A Place To Go
3. A Stated Reason To Go There
4. Challenges And Trials
5. A Real Reason To Go There

Shrek: (The First Movie)
Shrek is the quester. He is on a quest to get his swamp back, and to be ridded of the fairy tale creatures that were dumped on his land. he has to face several trials in the process. he has to deal with an annoying donkey, as well as fight with the King's men. Then, he has to go on another quest for the King, so that the King will remove the fairy tale creatures. While on the King's quest, Shrek must fight a dragon, and deal with an overbearing princess. The real reason for him to be sent on his quest to free his swamp and to rescue the princess, so that he could get the swamp back is so that he can realize that it is ok to let people in and to let people love you, as well as to love other people. Shrek also learns that no matter how ugly you may appear on the outside, somebody will love you if you let them.

Chapter 2:

In The Lame Shall Enter First at the very beginning of the story the father and son are having breakfast. The father is utterly repulsed by his son, as he feels that he is entitled, and does not deserve anything that he has. He wishes that his son was smarter, and that he would try to make his life mean something. Yet, after arguing with his son he makes his son sick, and the little boy pukes everywhere in the kitchen. As a result, the sharing of a sacred meal between a father and son is ruined, and this allows the reader to realize that something bad will occur later in the story.

Chapter 3:

There is literal vampirism, sexual vampirism, and symbolic vampirism. In Buffy The Vampire Slayer the main character Buffy, the slayer, and Angel, the vampire, have a forbidden love interest. In one scene the two literally make forbidden love to each other. He robs Buffy of her innocence, and left his mark on her.

Chapter 5:

Intertexuality is simply being able to relate literary works to one another.

The Titanic love story can relate to Romeo and Juliet.
The Perks of Being A Wallflower relates to Looking For Alaska.
A Walk To Remember can relate to The Notebook.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

No Country For Old Men

No County for Old Men
Updated Nov 03, 2013

No Country for Old Men

1.  Fate

2. Tradition

3. Chance

Meaning of the Work as a Whole

The meaning of the work as a whole is that each generation must adapt the traditions of previous generations to meet the modern situations they are face with, and that often times in doing so they fail the previous generation, and sometimes themselves, too.

The meaning of the work as a whole is also fate leads us to situations in life, and it is by chance that we make the best decision.

3 Important Quotations
***Type out each quote and in 3-5 sentences explain how/why that quote is significant to the overall meaning.


When Sugar was at the gas station, and he was talking about the coin and how it made it there it was symbolic of the meaning of the work as a whole because it relates to the overall theme of chance.

The second dream was important because it was symbolic the meaning and importance of traditions.

When Llewelyn told his wife that if she did not shut her mouth he was going to take her in the back and screw her. I don’t think this contributed to the meaning of the work as a whole, but I found it priceless.

Character Analysis
·         Sheriff Bell- He feels like he failed. He is the protagonist who is seeking justice for himself, and he is seeking to save Llewelyn. He strikes me as the type of person who struggles with failure.

·         Llewelyn Moss- He strikes me as a lighthearted guy who does not take life too seriously. He is foolish and careless though, which is stupid.

·         Anton Chigurh- He is crazy. He feels obligated to do things for whatever twisted reason. He is a man of his word.

How to Read Literature Like a Professor
Choose 3 Chapters and Connect those chapters to the movie. Go into specific detail as to how each chapter connects to a part of the movie. 

The Quest chapter because the Sheriff is on a quest.
The violence chapter because there are lots of murder.

Symbol chapter because there are lots of symbols in this movie. 

J.K. Rowling Speech Part Two

1) Failure

Let's see I have many failures. There is no avoiding it because I am a human being, and we all have failed at some point in our lives, unless you have not lived. There are a few failures that have defined me as a person, and caused me to truly try to turn my life around or at least make changes that would improve myself as a person. The two most distinct failures in my life are failing my grandmother, and failing my mom. When my grandmother was on her deathbed, she asked of me one thing, to take care of my mother. She was my mothers mother in law, yet she loved her so much more, so that often times I believed she loved my mother more than her own children, but I am sure this is not the case. Regardless, my grandmother held a very close and personal relationship with my mother. My mother never had a good relationship with her mom, even to this very day things are still rocky, however, they are better than they used to be. SO, my mom was basically a lost dog in high weeds, and my grandmother took her in, and nurtured her, and helped her. My mom truly loved that woman, we all did. There was just something about her that you couldn't help but love her. When she was in a room, it was like all the attention was on her, and you couldn't stop watching her when she talked. She was this drop dead gorgeous person, even on her death bed she was beautiful. She not only was gorgeous on the outside, but inwardly she was beautiful. To get back on topic, my grandmother had one request that I take care of my mother. My mom has always been one to hide her emotions, and the older I get is the harder it is for her to hide, and the harder it is for me to ignore it. Naturally as I age and mature I notice more, and this proves itself true everyday, as I watch my mom. I am a very observant person, and I notice the little things, that most people ignore. I noticed some major changes in my mom in the few months before my grandma died. She began to lose weight from stress and not eating, and she always looked so tired. Physically and mentally she was exhausted. After the death of my grandma my mom completely shut down. My step-dad blamed my mom for the death of his mother, which was completely cruel because she couldn't control her death. My mom stopped eating and drinking. She didn't come out of her room, and she would not leave the house for anything. She was depressed. She was stuck in the labyrinth, and it was by the grace of God that she escaped. Literally there were days that I was afraid I was going to lose my mom. It was a scary thought. I had to call my two aunts, and they had to come and talk to my mom. They were my grandmas two daughters, and they remind me very much of her. My mom reminds me very much of her, too. They came down, and they had to talk to her. One of them looked at my mom and told her straight to her face that my grandma would hate her for being so depressed, and that she knew it. The other said that my mom knew better than anyone that she should be celebrating my grandmas life rather than mourning her death. That's what turned it around for my mom, yet even to this day she struggles with all these situations life throws at her. She has the worst health, and has been sick for a while, and it worries me to death, yet she refuses to go the doctor. She eats, but very rarely. She forgets to eat, and she works like a dog. She is the tiniest rack of bones. The wind could blow her away with one puff. She has injured her arm, and there are days when she cannot move it. Its not broken, at least I don't believe it is, but I know she has damaged something in her arm. My mom looks years older than what she is, and I feel like such a failure because the one thing my grandma asked of me I could not do. I could not take care of my mom. I know it is not my fault, yet that does not make the guilt go away. The other failure that has shaped my life is failing my mom. She has always told me not to worry about her, and she made me promise that I would make something out of my life because she believed I was the only child she had who could and would. She told me I deserved a better life than what she ever could have gave me, and she apologized for it. My mom does not understand how much she means to me. So I struggle everyday to try and succeed for my mom, and still take care of her at the same time. Either way I feel like no matter what I am going to fail one of the two, my mom or my grandmother. I cannot go to college and take care of my mom at the same time. Although I have failed both of them to extents I try everyday to still please both of them, and also to make the best of my life. I have had to change my entire perspective on things, and even on myself. I used to struggle with failure, and still do to some degree today. I have learned that it is a part of life, and that it is alright to fail. I have changed my entire outlook on life, and I have learned to make the best of each day. I have also learned not to make promises that I cannot keep, and also to try my best at everything that I do. It is hard to explain the impacts that these event have had on my life. I can see them because I can see how I have changed. It was while writing this that I realized I am not a static character, I am definitely a dynamic character. It's amazing how while at the same time you learn so much about yourself, you also realize how little you know about yourself.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

J.K. Rowling Speech Part 1

J.K. Rowling's Commencement speech undergoes several shifts in tone. One of those shifts occurs towards the beginning of the speech. She starts off nervous, and she willingly admits that she is nervous to the audience. Yet as the speech progresses, she takes on a more serious attitude as she begins to truly begin her speech. She progresses from talking about her life, to relating it the overall topics of her speech, failure and imagination. As she shifts from the changes of her life, and begins to tell the audience about the benefits of failure she becomes sincere, undergoing yet another change in tone. This shift is important because it allows the author to relate to the audience because she connects on an emotional level with them. Then, as her speech draws nearer to the end she develops more of a passionate tone. Although she was passionate throughout the entire commencement address, she was particularly passionate at the end, as she tried to emphasize the importance of failure and imagination. It was an important tone because if you are not passionate about what you believe in, then why would anybody else be.

Quixotic: extravagantly chivalrous, impractical

Paradoxical: self-contradictory

Totalitarian: of or pertaining to a centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over many aspects of life

Saturday, November 2, 2013

J.K. Rowling Speech

How have your failures defined you?

What is the rock-bottom of your life?

What is the foundation on which you have built your life?

Do you let those who have authority over you make the decisions over your life, or do you make your own decisions?

What is the importance of imagination in your life?

"There is an expirary date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you."

Eventually you have to realize that blaming everybody else for your problems isn't helping you at all. You may not like your parents decision, but you can't change it. You can however chose not to make the same mistakes that they did. Learn from those mistakes, and make the best of your life. Accept responsibility for your actions, and know that when you mess up apologize, and try not to make the same mistake. Do your best to live the life that you want to live.

"I was striking an uneasy balance between the ambition I had for myself, and what those closest to me expected of me."

AMEN!!!!! My whole life I have always had high expectations for myself, and so have those closest to me. I am my hardest critic, yet, my parents can be too. It is not so much my mom that is so overbearing, rather my step-dad. I know his intentions are good, yet, he goes too far. He doesn't agree with my career choice of being a veterinarian, but he wants me to be a doctor. I REFUSE!!!! I want to please him, but it is my life, and I will do what I want to do.

"What I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure."

I know I am not twenty-one, but still I hate the thoughts of failing anybody. It means the world to me to please people, and I honestly hate the thoughts of disappointing anybody. My whole life, I have been this way. I have always tried to please those closest to me.  Failure is a scary thought, but it is a part of life.

1st Nine Weeks Reflection

What have you learned about English/Literature over the past 9 weeks?

I have completely became a more developed writer. I used to struggle with my analyzing skills. Now I can analyze both characters and books. I feel more confident in my understanding  of books and short stories. With the use of How To Read Literature Like A Professor, it has became easier to break down the littlest of details in a work. I also am able to find the meaning of the work as a whole.   

What have you learned about your classmates?

I have learned so much about my classmates. They are people too, and although they haven't been through all of the same experiences as me, I know that they have had their fair share of trials in life too. I relate to some of their struggles, and I empathize with them. I realize that I am not the only person with struggles, but we are each strong because we have chosen not to let our struggles overcome us. 

What have you learned about life?

I have learned so much more about life. I already knew that it was full of crap, but I also know now that it is not all bad. Although bad things happen to good people, I realize now that good things happen to them too. The experiences that we go through in life make us who we are, and they mold us into the person that we are. We chose to let those moments define us, whether it is in a positive manner or negative. Most of all, I have learned that I can go through anything in life as long as I have my friends there by my side.

Did you enjoy the novel unit (Perks of Being a Wallflower and Looking for Alaska)? Would you recommend I use those two novels next year? What assignments changes would you make (if any)?

I LOVED THESE BOOKS!!!!!!! Katie if you don't use these books, I will haunt you!! You think I am kidding, but I am dead serious. I loved these books. They relate to our lives, and to each of us in so many ways. I loved the way that you had Perks then Looking For Alaska. I honestly have no complaint about the assignments. I wouldn't change anything. 

What should I change for next year's class?

When it comes to next year, just know we will all be praying for you. I fear you will need it. Those kids are a work out. Your class is so amazing, and it is honestly one of my favorites. I don't know that I would change anything. I think you will probably have to because they are a different class, but I have no idea what you would have to change. 

What area of the AP Exam do you feel that you need to work on the most?

Honestly, I need help in every single area of the AP Exam.