Saturday, November 2, 2013

1st Nine Weeks Reflection

What have you learned about English/Literature over the past 9 weeks?

I have completely became a more developed writer. I used to struggle with my analyzing skills. Now I can analyze both characters and books. I feel more confident in my understanding  of books and short stories. With the use of How To Read Literature Like A Professor, it has became easier to break down the littlest of details in a work. I also am able to find the meaning of the work as a whole.   

What have you learned about your classmates?

I have learned so much about my classmates. They are people too, and although they haven't been through all of the same experiences as me, I know that they have had their fair share of trials in life too. I relate to some of their struggles, and I empathize with them. I realize that I am not the only person with struggles, but we are each strong because we have chosen not to let our struggles overcome us. 

What have you learned about life?

I have learned so much more about life. I already knew that it was full of crap, but I also know now that it is not all bad. Although bad things happen to good people, I realize now that good things happen to them too. The experiences that we go through in life make us who we are, and they mold us into the person that we are. We chose to let those moments define us, whether it is in a positive manner or negative. Most of all, I have learned that I can go through anything in life as long as I have my friends there by my side.

Did you enjoy the novel unit (Perks of Being a Wallflower and Looking for Alaska)? Would you recommend I use those two novels next year? What assignments changes would you make (if any)?

I LOVED THESE BOOKS!!!!!!! Katie if you don't use these books, I will haunt you!! You think I am kidding, but I am dead serious. I loved these books. They relate to our lives, and to each of us in so many ways. I loved the way that you had Perks then Looking For Alaska. I honestly have no complaint about the assignments. I wouldn't change anything. 

What should I change for next year's class?

When it comes to next year, just know we will all be praying for you. I fear you will need it. Those kids are a work out. Your class is so amazing, and it is honestly one of my favorites. I don't know that I would change anything. I think you will probably have to because they are a different class, but I have no idea what you would have to change. 

What area of the AP Exam do you feel that you need to work on the most?

Honestly, I need help in every single area of the AP Exam.

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