Monday, November 25, 2013

How To Read Literature Like A Professor: Chapters 6-9

Chapter 6: When In Doubt, It's From Shakespeare

The world renowned movie Titanic reflects upon the classic love story Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Each story revolves around a forbidden love story and the sacrifices the lovers must endure to be with one another, and it is eventually their love that brings them to their demise. This is a revolving theme in both stories. The largest difference in the stories is that in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet kills herself because she cannot bear to live without her beloved Romeo, she does not realize that her lover is still alive. Yet, the deed is done, and she has taken her life, so when Romeo awakens to her dead body, he in return takes his life. The two could not bear to live without the other. In The Titanic, the two lovers escaped the ship, only for the male lover, Jack, to be frozen to death by the ocean. Rose, the female lover, escaped, and eventually found love again, only to die out at sea, when she was back at the site of where the Titanic went down. Although both sets of lovers died, there was a plot twist at the end of The Titanic. Yet, the theme of forbidden love is consistent with Romeo and Juliet. 

Chapter 7: ...Or The Bible

In the movie series, The Chronicles of Narnia, the lion known as Asland, is a christ-like figure because he is a protector of the creatures in Narnia. He comes when the characters need his help, and he delivers them from times of peril, much like Jesus does for people.

The Lion King is a reference to the story of Moses in the Bible. Simba acts as Moses because he was a prince and then was accused of killing his father. Just as Moses killed a slave owner. Both characters flee to an new land, and grow older and more mature. Eventually, they both return to heir homeland, so that they can free their people. Moses frees his his people from the Pharaoh, and Simba frees his people from Scar.

The Lion King also serves as a reference to the story of the Good Samaritan because after Simba fled his home, he was alone, and would have died had it not been for Timon and Pumba. They took him in, and helped to nurture =him back to health.

Chapter 8: Hanseldee and Greteldum

The Notebook, by Nicholas Sparks, is a reference to the fairy tale of Cinderella. In The Notebook, Noah and Allie are lovers, and Allie is a high class girl whose family has money, and expects her to marry a wealthy man, and to receive and education. Noah is a hardworking boy whose family has never had much, and he falls in love with Allie. In Cinderella, the Prince falls in love with Cinderella, and she is no more than a common girl who works around her house. Just as Noah is seen as unfit to court Allie, and Cinderella is seen as unfit to marry the Prince. Yet, true love also comes out on top in the end. The Prince sends a man out with the lost glass slipper, and he comes to Cindrellas house. The glass slipper gets broken, oh no. What will they ever do? Cinderella will never get to marry the Prince now, but wait! She has the other glass slipper. The day is saved. She will get to marry the love of her life now. Well, Allie and Noah fall in love. Allie has to go away at the end of the summer. Noah promises to write her everyday. After waiting for several years and never receiving a letter, Allie finally meets a man her parents approve of. Everything is happy go lucky, until one day Allie reads about Noah in the paper. So, she goes to see him. Obviously they both love each other still. They spend a few wonderful days together, and then Allie's mom comes to see her. She doesn't approve. Just as nobody approved of Cinderella. Well now Allie finds out that her mother hid the letters that Noah had sent her. Then, she finally gets to read all the letters she longed for. So now Allie has to face the decision to stay with her fiance or to go back to Noah, the love of her life. So, she does. All is happy go lucky, and it parallels to the story line of Cinderella, true love concurs all.

Chapter 9: It' Greek to Me

Happy, loved, strong
She lived and breathed without a care in the world
Then the day came when she realized she was wrong
Where had the love gone
She was alone
Empty and broken
She had to rebuild her life
She found happiness again
Then followed love
Finally she felt strong
But at what a cost
There were pieces of her that she lost
And now she wonders if she will ever find them
So she enters her quest
To find who she is destined to be

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